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Your Suffolk Chamber of Commerce

We are committed to representing and supporting local businesses in Suffolk.

At Your Suffolk Chamber, we are not just a member organisation; we are a dynamic force dedicated to empowering and championing businesses across Suffolk. With a steadfast commitment to representing and supporting our local enterprises, we stand as the driving force behind Suffolk's thriving business community.

Our foundation rests on the pillars of policy, lobbying, and representation. Leveraging our extensive network and sterling reputation, we tirelessly advocate for the needs and concerns of our members. Through direct lobbying efforts and strategic collaboration with the British Chambers of Commerce, we actively shape policies and actions that foster a conducive environment for business growth in Suffolk.

But we don't stop there. Your Chamber goes the extra mile by providing invaluable business support services. Whether you're a budding startup or a seasoned corporation, our membership opens doors to expert advice and lucrative supply chain opportunities that pave the way for sustainable growth and success.

Our commitment to addressing the core priorities of Suffolk's business landscape is evident through our regular events and engaging platforms. The Thematic Groups and Place Forums we host bring together professionals from diverse industries, sparking ideas, fostering collaborations, and driving tangible change across Suffolk.

Explore the links on this page to discover how Your Suffolk Chamber can be the catalyst for your business growth and success. Delve into the details of our key priorities, encompassing international trade,  economy and business resilience, net zero & environment, transportation and infrastructure, people and skills, social value and equality, diversity & inclusion.

For those eager to take the next step, our dedicated Chamber Team is ready to provide further information about Chamber membership. Partner with Your Suffolk Chamber on your journey to achieve your business objectives – together, let's shape a future of prosperity and growth for Suffolk's vibrant business community.


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